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Data Privacy/Policy Statement

I am a sole trader/author and self-publish my children’s stories, well just the one at the moment with more to follow.

To do that I deal with suppliers and customers. I process and store just sufficient information for the day to day functioning of my business.

This data belongs to you, not me. I use it in the process of publishing and selling my work.

I respect and keep your data as safe as is reasonably possible and legally obliged to do. I never knowingly sell or distribute your data to third parties though it will be processed by third parties via my online presence, in delivery services and financial transactions.

My web page does have the ability to produce anonymised statistics which I may refer to.

Where I use third parties in the performance of my business each will have their own Privacy Policies and made available by the third party.

If you require further information or a copy of my Privacy Policy do email or follow this link.